Computer Fixx 624 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Suite 25 Matthews, NC 28105 910-515-4738
We Provide Fast, Effective Malware And Computer Virus Removal
Get the viruses removed from your computer one of three ways:
Bring your PC to our shop
Schedule onsite help at your home or business
Call us and we will remove the viruses online
We Charge Flat Rates On All Computer Virus Removal Done In Shop
And Hourly Rates for virus removal done onsite or online.
We remove a lot of computer viruses and 80% of the time it isn't necessary to reinstall your operating system to get rid of them! We charge a $125.00 flat rate for computer virus removal and tune-up. We recommend that our customers have a paid anti-virus installed.
If you
do not want a paid anti-virus we will install a free version for you. We charge a flat rate of $175.00 if the malware has corrupted your
operating system to the point that doing a reinstall is the best option. We save all your documents, pictures, music, favorites, and desktop. While we're removing the viruses, we also do a tune-up to ensure that your computer is performing at its best.
The service includes:
Remove unused/unwanted programs and trialware
Install any needed Microsoft service packs and critical updates
Perform start up and shut down optimization
Quick luanch and task bar cleanup
Delete temporary system files and temporary internet files